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Betting on the Point Spread for $1

Puzzle Notes

Hello Citizens of Crossword Nation,

Last week we launched our first email delivery via our new partners -- the good folks at Stand Alone.  As many of you know, I posted messages on social media asking for your help in reconstructing the CN subscriber list.  My previous distributor delivered an incomplete data set. Throughout the week, I heard from many of you asking "Where's my puzzle?"  I apologize for the omissions! If there's a silver lining to missing subscriber data, it's that it gave me an opportunity to connect with many of you for the first time. Your patience and kindness made my job much easier than anticipated. I am grateful that you allow me to tiptoe into your homes, with puzzle in hand, every Monday night. 

And now ... Puzzle Tawk!: This week's diversion may have something to do with my love for NFL football. Every fall I look forward to Sundays when I can make puzzles while watching the NFL lineup. I wear my OSI Umenyiora jersey and work while Nantz and Romo (or Michaels and Collinsworth or Buck and Aikman) call the game. When my team scores (the team that'll keep me in the football pool for another week), I've been known to spike embroidered pillows into the living room floor and belt out a fortissimo "Touchdown!".  (Sorry, downstairs neighbors!) I'll be quiet again on the depressing Sunday after the Super Bowl.

Welcome to Week 489 of Crossword Nation. We present "Betting on the Point Spread" as your crossword of the week! Thank you for solving and be well, Dear Ones. Until next time, I remain . . .

Cruciverbally yours,



P.S. If you enjoy our 'indie' Crossword Nation puzzles, please give them a positive rating on Amy Reynaldo's blog, Diary of a Crossword Fiend. Your ratings help keep our little puzzle shop independent and strong!

Ade Koiki blogs our puzzle every Tuesday. Simply page through Amy's blog to find the Tuesday blog posts.

Happy solving and be well!

Liz Gorski

Crossword Nation

Betting on the Point Spread for $1


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