Puzzle Notes
Dear Citizens of Crossword Nation,
Thanksgiving Week greetings to you all! I am grateful for many things this year, and chief among them is -- you.
Some of you have subscribed to my little puzzle brand since the very beginning. Crossword Nation started out as a digital product in June 2011. We added this email service a few years later and have published weekly ever since. As many of you know, this fall was particularly challenging for us. Our October launch with Stand Alone, our new distribution partner, was complicated by the disappearance of our previous distributor who ran off with our data. (More about that at a later date!)
With the invaluable help of Glenn at Stand Alone (thank you, dear friend), we launched and assembled the mailing list through the back end. I posted desperate messages on social media and my website, asking subscribers to contact me so that we could re-build the subscriber list -- name by name.
I had prepared for the worst, girding myself for a tough journey; I expected to be chewed out by angry subscribers who'd been omitted from the list. (And you had every right to be angry!)
But week after week, the emails came in . . . and they were all lovely and sweet and kind. To a person, you patiently helped us fill in the blanks and update the database. Thank you for your compassion and grace.
One of the nice things about our new Stand Alone portal is that: if you accidentally delete the subscriber email, you can re-send it to yourself. You can also access an archive of CN puzzles. If you haven't enabled your account yet, please do so here:
By enabling your account, you'll have access to puzzles dating back to ol' 2014. Today's puzzle has a simple Thanksgiving theme. But if you've solved it and you're hungry for more T-Day fare, try these archived holiday puzzles; look under the heading "Puzzles By Year":
(a) Nov. 26, 2019: "Move Over Turkey!" No. 443 (a chewy 15x with a crazy-looking diagonally-patterned grid)
(b) Nov. 21, 2017: "A Feast For The Eyes" No. 338 (a full-course blowout, Sunday-sized puzzle with a connect-the-dot theme)
I'm thrilled that we can offer hundreds of puzzles to you through our archives. Please do activate your account and take a look around!
And now, to the business at hand . . . we present today's puzzle -- "Thanksgiving Toast" -- for your solving pleasure. Welcome to Week 495 of Crossword Nation. May the blessings of Season bring you Abundance and Joy.
Thank you for solving and be well, Dear Ones. Until next time, I remain . . .
Cruciverbally yours,
Mini Crossword Aficionados: For a quick solve, please try my Daily Mini Crossword in the L. A. Times. It's free! Simply bookmark and visit daily for a new puzzle.
Important message for solvers who subscribed prior to September 2020: If your Crossword Nation subscription was on auto-renewal through Rumination Software, please cancel it via your PayPal account. Our puzzles are no longer sold through Rumination Software. We expect that Rumination cancelled those auto-renewals from their end. But to be safe -- please discontinue such auto-renewals from your end.
If you enjoy our 'indie' Crossword Nation puzzles, please give them a positive rating on Amy Reynaldo's blog, Diary of a Crossword Fiend. Your ratings help keep our little puzzle shop independent and strong!
Ade Koiki blogs our puzzle every Tuesday. Simply page through Amy's blog to find the Tuesday blog posts. http://crosswordfiend.com/
Happy solving and be well!
Liz Gorski