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Open Letters for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear Crossword Nation Subscribers, 

Yesterday I saw something I've never seen before. A man on a bicycle rode south on Riverside Drive; he steered the bike with one hand. In his free hand was a cordless microphone into which he sang "My Cherie Amour."

Covering a Stevie Wonder song isn't easy under normal karaoke conditions. But to do so while pedaling through city traffic, and with such verve and vocal clarity -- that's impressive. People in the park were enthralled by his clear, beautiful voice. Mr. X rode by so quickly that we didn't have a chance to yell "Bravo!" Drive-by musical magic!

It was an enchanting moment. Maybe because the day was so picture-postcard beautiful: clear, sunny, and warm enough for a tee-shirt. For the first time in a year, things felt a bit more "open." It was easier to breathe. The park was more crowded than usual. People seemed a tad more relaxed and happier. Spring has sprung. 

Welcome to Week 512 of Crossword Nation. You are invited to solve "Open Letters" as your latest diversion. Wishing you a beautiful spring!

Be well and happy, Dear Ones.

Cruciverbally yours,


Solvers of The New Yorker puzzles: Check out my latest crossword (a moderately-challenging diversion, per the editors) in The New Yorker!

Mini Crossword Aficionados: For a quick solve, please try the Daily Mini Crossword in the L. A. Times. It's free! Simply bookmark and visit daily for a new puzzle.

Important message for solvers who subscribed prior to September 2020: If your Crossword Nation subscription was on auto-renewal through Rumination Software, please cancel it via your PayPal account. Our puzzles are no longer sold through Rumination Software. We expect that Rumination cancelled those auto-renewals from their end. But to be safe -- please discontinue such auto-renewals from your end.

If you enjoy our 'indie' Crossword Nation puzzles, please give them a positive rating on Amy Reynaldo's blog, Diary of a Crossword Fiend. Your ratings help keep our little puzzle shop independent and strong!

Ade Koiki blogs our puzzle every Tuesday. Simply page through Amy's blog to find the Tuesday blog posts.

Happy solving and be well!

Liz Gorski

Open Letters for $1


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