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Action Figures for $1

Puzzle Notes

Dear Subscribers, 

Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.

~Bradley Whitford

Greetings to you all, and a warm cruciverbal welcome to our new subscribers from the U.K. and Canada. Thank you for joining our Crossword Nation family!

Today’s puzzle came about as I was trying to emerge from an emotional slump in April. I have no real, concrete reasons for my slump. Perhaps pandemic fatigue or an astrological retrograde took hold. I found myself keeping strange hours, eating at odd hours and watching too much late-night TV. 

While catching up on the disturbingly dystopian "The Handmaid’s Tale" (hardly a feel-good choice to un-slump one), I became enthralled by Bradley Whitford’s brilliant performance as Commander Joseph Lawrence. His screen presence was riveting -- so much so, that I queued up old episodes of “The West Wing” in which Whitford played Josh Lyman, White House Deputy Chief of Staff. Watching an actor perform so soulfully -- and appear larger than life on my little iPad screen -- was enormously inspiring. It made me realize how much I missed live theater, dance and concerts.

I later came across the above quote from Whitford. I transcribed it and pinned it to my "action board" of crossword ideas. Taking action, and acting “as if” – this helped me climb out of the slump. It also inspired today’s puzzle theme.

Welcome to Week 520 of Crossword Nation. We cordially invite you to solve “Action Figures” as your puzzle of the week. Be well and happy, Dear Ones.

Until next time, I remain ...

Cruciverbally yours,


Solvers of The New Yorker puzzles: Check out my latest crossword (a "moderately-challenging" diversion, per the editors) in The New Yorker!

Mini Crossword Aficionados: For a quick solve, please try the Daily Mini Crossword in the L. A. Times. It's free! Simply bookmark and visit daily for a new puzzle.

Recovering Lost Puzzles: If, for some reason, our weekly puzzle email doesn't appear in your mailbox on Monday evenings, no worries -- you can always "re-send" the puzzle to yourself.

But first ....

1. Please check the Spam folder.  Sometimes the Crossword Nation emails are redirected to Spam folders. This can happen after a software or system update. If it's not in the Spam folder, then try Step 2.

2. Visit the Subscriber Portal and Re-send the Puzzle To Your Mailbox.  You can always send the latest puzzle (or any puzzle from our archive) to yourself. Visit here:

Choose the "Resend Puzzle" link at the bottom right of the page. From there, you can choose which puzzle to send to your mailbox! 

Important message for solvers who subscribed prior to September 2020: If your Crossword Nation subscription was on auto-renewal through Rumination Software, please cancel it via your PayPal account. Our puzzles are no longer sold through Rumination Software. We expect that Rumination cancelled those auto-renewals from their end. But to be safe -- please discontinue such auto-renewals from your end.

If you enjoy our 'indie' Crossword Nation puzzles, please give them a positive rating on Amy Reynaldo's blog, Diary of a Crossword Fiend. Your ratings help keep our little puzzle shop independent and strong!

Ade Koiki blogs our puzzle every Tuesday. Simply page through Amy's blog to find the Tuesday blog posts.

Happy solving and be well!

Liz Gorski

Action Figures for $1


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