Progressive Agenda
Puzzle Notes
Dear Citizens of Crossword Nation,
Greetings friends! I want to thank Rex Parker (aka Michael Sharp) for his kind shout-out yesterday. On his popular blog, Rex Parker Does the New York Times Crossword, Rex said some nice things about the Sunday puzzles I made for The New York Times in the past. I like to think that those big, themed Sunday canvases (almost 70 Sundays in the NYT) inform the Tuesday puzzles I make for you in this subscription series.
The Sunday-sized puzzle is probably my favorite crossword animal. It's, by far, the most difficult genre to create because you've got to lure solvers into (a) cracking the theme, while (b) maintaining their interest via a (hopefully) snappy fill. A Sunday puzzle is essentially a themed puzzle surrounded by a big themeless. Tough stuff to pull off, but profoundly satisfying to make. And based on the feedback we've received over the years, a well-made Sunday puzzle is a hit among solvers. I have a portfolio of Sunday theme ideas just waiting to be woven into 21x21 tapestries.
One of my plans for 2021 is this: to publish a bonus Sunday puzzle every once in a while (when inspiration strikes) and share it with you, as part of this subscription series. Our friends at the AV Puzzle Club do a great job af providing bonus puzzles and that got me thinking -- why not try that here? The bonus crosswords will be tougher and trickier than the Tuesday fare, with a 21x21 canvas that allows for cruciverbal pyrotechnics associated with the Sunday genre. So ... that's my plan for 2021!
As for this week -- today's puzzle is easy-ish, with a straightforward gimmick. As you work through it, you will, no doubt, identify the answer that inspired the theme. Welcome to Week 494 of Crossword Nation. We invite you to solve "Progressive Agenda" as your puzzle of the week.
Mini Crossword Aficionados: For a quick solve, please try my Daily Mini Crossword in the L. A. Times. It's free! Simply bookmark and visit daily for a new puzzle.
Thank you for solving and be well, Dear Ones. Until next time, I remain . . .
Cruciverbally yours,
Important message for solvers who subscribed prior to September 2020: If your Crossword Nation subscription was on auto-renewal through Rumination Software, please cancel it via your PayPal account. Our puzzles are no longer sold through Rumination Software. We expect that Rumination cancelled those auto-renewals from their end. But to be safe -- please discontinue such auto-renewals from your end.
If you enjoy our 'indie' Crossword Nation puzzles, please give them a positive rating on Amy Reynaldo's blog, Diary of a Crossword Fiend. Your ratings help keep our little puzzle shop independent and strong!
Ade Koiki blogs our puzzle every Tuesday. Simply page through Amy's blog to find the Tuesday blog posts.
Happy solving and be well!
Liz Gorski